Below I have provided recommendations which you may find useful in your spiritual journey. I must preface this section with some words of advice.
Most importantly, you must understand, what you truly need to know to make this journey can only be found within you. Only by connecting to the Higher, can you create a path that leads to truth. No one else has trod the exact path you now walk, consequently no one can tell you exactly how to travel it.
That is why you cannot depend on others to show you the way. Those who proclaim to know the way, promising they can lead you there, are not only deceiving you, but also themselves. Most men are lazy, it is easier to follow someone else’s directions than to discover the path of truth for yourself. Thinking and self-discovery is difficult and often times quite painful. As I have mentioned before this is not a journey for the lazy man, nor the faint of heart.
In spite of this, you are not the first to make this journey, nor are you alone on this journey. Crumbs have been left along the way by others who have walked a similar path. Crumbs on a path are left at intervals close enough in proximity that you may step from one to another. however, all the crumbs will not be found in one place. If it were that easy all men would find their way with little effort. If you have learned to connect to the higher, be still and listen, then allow that still small voice to direct your journey, you will be led from one thing to another. Each crumb along the path, providing you with pieces to the puzzle.
The recommendations listed below were given to me at various times because they contain crumbs of understandings which I needed to be exposed to. I would gather the crumbs simply holding them, until it was time for them to be used.
Once I had gathered enough of them, The Holy Spirit would begin to, within my mind, fit the pieces together to create a new understanding. These understandings could never be discovered without the leading of the spirit. They are not the understandings of men, but of spirit.
I wanted to explain this, because, as you read the recommended writings there will be much within them that you are sure, based on your current understandings, can’t be true. At times you will be correct, at other times, those very understandings, once place in the correct light by the Holy Spirit, may be invaluable stones needed to pave the way along your path. So, my advice is to read without judging, simply take in what is being said. Then let the Holy Spirit do the sorting. Let it decide which pieces you need to keep and which need discarded. Only in this way can you hope to see what others do not have, the eyes to see and ears to hear.