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The Language of the Spirit

Most people ignore their dreams believing they are useless nonsense.  The truth is, dreams are the subconscious minds workroom.  It is a place where hidden keys abound.  Once discovered, those keys often unlock prison doors, doors which have trapped a soul in a life of emotional pain and frustration.

Those keys often Illuminate inner feelings which have been buried so deeply they have been forgotten.  These festering emotions lay below the surface of the conscious mind often causing physical sickness and pain.

The subconscious mind shares an affinity with the spirit.  This link, allows it to communicate what the spirit needs to work through, before it can mature into the beautiful being it was meant to be.  If we learn to unveil it's secrets, it can help us clear the path for more beautiful lives, lives filled with peace, wonder and love.

I have included this section on Dream interpretation for a couple of reasons.  The first, being, dreams can be extremely valuable tools in understanding where a person is in their journey and what issues they need to work through.  Often issues a person has are invisible to them. You cannot fix a problem you do not know exists.  If interpreted correctly, dreams often expose those issues allowing them to be seen clearly.  Once seen they can then be understood and dealt with.


The second reason for addressing dreams is, people will come to me because they have had a dream that frightens them so badly, they are almost afraid to tell it to me.  These dreams are often of an apocalyptic, end of the world nature, or dreams where children or other loved ones have died.  


Once the dream is read using the language of the spirit, who’s meanings are found in symbols and natures, it becomes quite apparent the true meaning of the dream does not remotely resemble what the persons conscious mind thinks it does.  Most people are quite relieved to discover that. 


My hope is, by understanding more about the value of dreams, people will begin to see how they can be used as tools to free them from painful issues.  Also, learning a dreams true message will hopefully put peoples mind at ease the next time they dream they are being chased by aliens taking over the world, or they are carrying around dead babies.


Happy Dreaming.

Please start by reading the, "Introduction to Reading Dreams."

You may then move through the "Dreams" categories by clicking on the envelope pictured below.  There you will find readings of various types of dreams.

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